Devon Furniture Makers

Nick Thwaites commissioned to make a games table

Just before Christmas 2016 DFM member, Nick Thwaites delivered a highly personalised games table to a client - a former colleague from Nick’s previous life in the law - who was retiring after 30 years as a solicitor.

Hand made bespoke chess table
The table, made in English cherry, with rosewood, sycamore and ebony marquetry and detailing, incorporated a chess board, a baize playing surface for cards, and a leather backgammon board, as well as drawers and other compartments for the playing pieces, cards and other accessories. There are even discreetly positioned slides at each end which can be pulled out to form drink stands.

Hand made bespoke backgammon table

As well as being highly specified - even the typeface for the lettering was hunted down after the client heard a story about it’s design. The table presented a particular challenge in requiring all playing boards and pieces to be fitted into a relatively slim table top, with the upper surface at a comfortable 75cm high and the underside 62.5cm high to allow players’ legs to fit comfortably underneath.

Posted on 17.01.17